- Alameda Corridor-East Project, San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments
- California Department of Transportation
- Cambridge Systematics, Inc
- Canaveral Port Authority
- Cascadia Center
- Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
- City of Chicago
- City of Industry
- COMPASS – Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho
- Florida Department of Transportation
- Florida East Coast Railway
- Florida Ports Council
- Florida Transportation Builders’ Association, Inc.
- Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (Washington State)
- GATX Corporation
- Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company
- HNTB Corporation
- Intermodal Association of North America
- Jacobs
- Joliet Arsenal Development Authority
- Kootenai Metropolitan Planning Organization
- Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
- Majestic Realty Co.
- Memphis Chamber of Commerce
- Moffatt & Nichol
- National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association, Inc.
- The Northwest Seaport Alliance
- Nossaman LLP
- Orange County Transportation Authority
- Pacific NorthWest Economic Region
- Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
- Port Newark Container Terminal
- Port of Hueneme
- Port Houston
- Port of Long Beach
- Port of Los Angeles
- Port of New Orleans
- Port of Oakland
- Port of San Diego
- Port of Vancouver USA
- Port Tampa Bay
- Ports America Chesapeake
- Prime Focus LLC
- Puget Sound Regional Council
- SANDAG - San Diego Association of Governments
- Southern California Association of Governments
- Tennessee Department of Transportation
- Washington State Department of Transportation
- Will County Center for Economic Development