Board of Directors

Paul Anderson
Port Tampa Bay
CAGTC Chairman


Erin Aleman
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP)
CAGTC Vice Chair


Dr. Noel Hacegaba
Port of Long Beach
CAGTC Treasurer

Tim Lovain
Federal Affairs Specialist
CAGTC Immediate Past Chair

Shant Boyajian
Nossaman LLP

Kerry Cartwright
Port of Los Angeles

Darin Chidsey
Southern California Association of Governments

Jim Hagar
Port of Vancouver, USA

Aimee Heim
Port of San Diego

Pierce Homer
Moffatt & Nichol

Fran Inman
Majestic Realty, Co

Bob Ledoux
Florida East Coast Railway

Ryan McFarland
The Northwest Seaport Alliance

Glenn Miles
Kootenai Metropolitan Planning Organization

Capt. John Murray
Port Canaveral

Dan Pallme
Tennessee Department of Transportation

Doug Pryor
Will County Center for Economic Development

Tom Saunders
Port Newark Container Terminal/Ports America

Jason Smeak