Statement by CAGTC President Leslie Blakey on the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Freight Strategic Plan

American Journal of Transportation |

September 4, 2020

“Our national freight network is complex and dynamic, a system of systems, constantly adapting to the demands of industry, technology, and safety. We applaud the USDOT in releasing this National Freight Strategic Plan, which has been a longstanding policy goal for our organization, and identifying a number of challenges our nation faces in keeping the system robust: safety, network efficiency, infrastructure condition, and barriers to freight system performance. Among these, the Coalition for America’s Gateways & Trade Corridors (CAGTC) believes infrastructure condition looms heaviest over all. When infrastructure fails – whether a failure of condition or capacity – safety, efficiency, performance and security all fail. Therefore, we look forward to the future release of the National Multimodal Freight Network, which will help provide a systematic structure for infrastructure investment, as called for in the FAST Act."

Read more here.