Enhance Freight Connectivity in Next Highway Bill, Executives Tell US House Panel

Transport Topics |

By Eugene Mulero | December 5, 2019

Consideration in Congress of an extensive update to federal transportation guidelines must prioritize sustainable funding that enhances freight connectivity and reduces congestion, industry stakeholders told lawmakers on Capitol Hill on Dec. 5.

Absent proposals in the next comprehensive highway bill that target improving the nation’s infrastructure, freight mobility could experience disruptions, executives representing freight rail, state transportation agencies and prominent sectors warned members on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Online consumer spending and a growing population are contributing factors to congestion across metropolitan regions, they asserted.

“Our nation’s ability to move goods safely, reliably and expeditiously keeps U.S. businesses competitive in the global marketplace and supports a higher standard of living for all,” said Erin Aleman, executive director of the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning. She represented the Coalition for America’s Gateways and Trade Corridors. “I urge you to make a robust freight program the hallmark of this upcoming reauthorization.”

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