07/30/19 CAGTC: EPW Committee Unanimously Approves America’s Transportation Infrastructure Act

CAGTC Members,

This morning the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee unanimously approved its five year authorization proposal, America’s Transportation Infrastructure Act (ATIA), S. 2302. A substitute amendment was presented at this morning’s meeting, which was approved by the Committee and replaces the original bill text. The substitute amendment did not contain material changes to freight programs. The Committee also unanimously voted to support a bill to address the FAST Act’s $7.569 billion rescission that, without action, will take effect July 1, 2020.

Five amendments were offered to S. 2302 (ATIA) and unanimously agreed upon by voice vote:

  • Carper 1: amends the authorizations in sec. 1101 of the substitute to further subdivide funding under the competitive side of the PROTECT grant program.
  • Inhofe-Boozeman 1: amends sec. 1110 of the substitute to make marine highway projects (including inland waterway projects) eligible for INFRA grants.
  • Revised Duckworth 2: Requires FHWA to study existing and future impacts of self-driving vehicles on the roads.
  • Revised Van Hollen 3: amends sec. 3001 of the substitute to increase funding for the VMT pilot programs from $25 million per year to $30 million per year (with the increase split 50-50 between the state pilots and the national pilot).
  • Revised Merkley 3 - Amends sec. 1528 of the substitute to require priority be given to pollinator-friendly wildflowers.

CAGTC is continuing to analyze the bill. Please find a document that shows how ATIA would amend the INFRA/ Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects Program here. As a reminder, other relevant Committees, including the Finance Committee, will need to act in order to move this proposal to law.


  •  Authorizes $287 billion from the Highway Trust Fund over five years – a 27% increase over FAST Act funding.
  • Over 90% of funding will be distributed to states by formula.

INFRA/ Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects Program

  • Increases funding to $5.5 billion over five years (the FAST Act authorized the program at $4.5 billion over five years).
  • Funds available to multimodal projects increases significantly – from a cap of $500 million over five years to an annual cap of 30% of funds, which totals $1.65 billion.
  • The bill increases the minimum amount of funding that must be awarded to small projects – from 10% to 15%.
  • The bill creates new grant decision making transparency requirements.

National Highway Freight Program (Freight Formula Program)

  • Increases funding to $8.5 billion over five years (the FAST Act authorized the program at $6.3 billion over five years).
  • Funds available to multimodal projects increased significantly – from a cap of 10% of project funds available to multimodal projects, to a cap of 30%, or $2.55 billion, of funds available to multimodal projects.

Thank you,

Elaine Nessle
Executive Director

Coalition for America's Gateways & Trade Corridors
1625 K Street NW | Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20006
Phone: (202) 828-9100
Mobile: (607) 368-5028